Automated Backup and Rotation Script

Automated Backup and Rotation Script

This script is a Bash shell script designed to automate the backup, rotation, and deletion of backups for a specified GitHub repository. The script includes options for daily, weekly, and monthly backups and utilizes Google Drive for backup storage.


  • gdrive installation

  • Google drive

  • Webhook ID

  • Google Drive API Credentials (Authentication)

Google Drive Integration


gdrive installation on linux:

  • Download the latest binary from

    • Unpack and put the binary somewhere in your PATH (i.e. /usr/local/bin on linux and macos).

    •   # Make it executable
        chmod +x gdrive
        # Move it to a directory in your PATH (e.g., /usr/local/bin/)
        sudo mv gdrive /usr/local/bin/
  • check for version.

gdrive version

Create Google API credentials:

Follow the step from

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console

  2. Create a new project (or select an existing) from the menu [screenshot]

  3. Search for drive api in the search bar and select Google drive api under the marketplace section [screenshot]

  4. Click to enable Google Drive API button [screenshot]

  5. Click on the Credentials menu item

  6. Click on the Configure Consent Screen button [screenshot]

  7. Select External user type (Internal is only available for workspace subscribers) [screenshot]

  8. Click on the Create button

  9. Fill out the fields App name, User support email, Developer contact information with your information; you will need to put the Project ID into the app name (keep the other fields empty) [screenshot]

  10. Click the Save and continue button. If you get An error saving your app has occurred try changing the project name to something unique

  11. Click the Add or remove scopes button

  12. Search for google drive api

  13. Select the scopes .../auth/drive and .../auth/drive.metadata.readonly [screenshot]

  14. Click the Update button

  15. Click the Save and continue button [screenshot]

  16. Click the Add users button

  17. Add the email of the user you will use with gdrive [screenshot]

  18. Click the Add button until the sidebar disappears

  19. Click the Save and continue button [screenshot]

  20. Click on the Credentials menu item again

  21. Click on the Create credentials button in the top bar and select OAuth client ID [screenshot]

  22. Select application type Desktop app and give a name [screenshot]

  23. Click on the Create button

  24. You should be presented with a Cliend Id and Client Secret [screenshot]. If you dont copy/download them now, you may find them again later.

  25. Click OK

  26. Click on OAuth consent screen menu item

  27. Click on Publish app (to prevent the token from expiring after 7 days) [screenshot]

  28. Click Confirm in the dialog

Thats it!

Add google account to gdrive

  • Run gdrive account add

  • This will prompt you for your google Client ID and Client Secret (see Requirements)

  • Next you will be presented with an url.

  • Follow the url and give approval for gdrive to access your Drive

  • You will be redirected to http://localhost:8085 (gdrive starts a temporary web server) which completes the setup

  • Gdrive is now ready to use!

Automated Backup and Rotation Script


# GitHub repository URL to clone
GITHUB_REPO=""  # Replace with your GitHub repository URL
# Destination folder for backups
# Project name
# Google Drive folder ID for backups
# Number of daily, weekly, and monthly backups to retain
# cURL request URL for notifications
DISABLE_CURL_REQUEST=false  # Set to true to disable cURL request for testing

# Get the current day of the month and day of the week
DAYMONTH=$(date +%d)
DAYWEEK=$(date +%u)

# Determine the backup frequency based on the current day
if [[ $DAYMONTH -eq 1 ]]; then
    echo "Monthly task"
elif [[ $DAYWEEK -eq 7 ]]; then
    echo "Weekly task"
elif [[ $DAYWEEK -lt 7 ]]; then
    echo "Daily task"

# Create a timestamp for the backup
DATE=$FN-$(date +"%Y%m%d")

# Function to display help text
function show_help {
    echo "BackupRotation available options are"
    echo "-s Source directory to be backed up"
    echo "-b Destination folder for the backups"
    echo "-n Name of the project being backed up"
    echo "-d Number of Daily backups to keep, negative numbers will disable"
    echo "-w Number of Weekly backups to keep, negative numbers will disable"
    echo "-m Number of Monthly backups to keep, negative numbers will disable"
    echo "-h show this help text"

# Function to perform the backup
function backup {
temp_folder=$(mktemp -d)
    git clone "$GITHUB_REPO" "$temp_folder" || { echo "Error: Could not clone GitHub repository."; exit 1; }

    # Create timestamped backup directory
    timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)

    mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/$timestamp" || { echo "Error: Could not create backup directory."; exit 1; }

    # Create a zip archive of the cloned project
    zip -r "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" "$temp_folder" || { echo "Error: Could not create zip archive."; exit 1; }

    # Upload to Google Drive using gdrive
    gdrive files upload --recursive --parent "$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID" "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" || { echo "Error: Could not upload to Google Drive."; exit 1; }

    # Log success message
    echo "Backup successful: $timestamp" >> "$BACKUP_DIR/backup_log.txt"

    # Send cURL request on success
    if [ "$DISABLE_CURL_REQUEST" = false ]; then
        curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project": "'"$PROJECT_NAME"'", "date": "'"$timestamp"'", "test": "BackupSuccessful"}' "$CURL_REQUEST_URL"

    # Clean up temporary folder
    rm -rf "$temp_folder"

    # Rotate old backups

function rotatebackup {

    echo "Rotating old backups started.."
        # Delete backups older than RETENTION_DAYS days from local file system
    find "$BACKUP_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +"$((RETENTION_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60))" -exec rm -r {} \;

    # Delete backups older than RETENTION_WEEKS weeks from local file system
    find "$BACKUP_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +"$((RETENTION_WEEKS * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60))" -exec rm -r {} \;

    # Delete backups older than RETENTION_MONTHS months from local file system
    find "$BACKUP_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +"$((RETENTION_MONTHS * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60))" -exec rm -r {} \;

 # Code to identify and delete old backups from Google Drive based on RETENTION_DAYS days.

    gdrive files list --parent $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID |  # List files in the specified Google Drive folder
    grep "daily" |  # Filter lines containing the word 'docker-daily'
    awk '{print $1, $2}' |  # Extract file ID and filename
    while read -r FILE_ID FILE_NAME; do
        # Extract the date from the filename (assuming the date format is YYYYMMDD)
        FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $3}')

        # Convert the file date to a format that can be compared with the current date
        FILE_DATE_FORMATTED=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +"%Y%m%d")

        # Get the current date in the same format
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")

        # Calculate the difference in days
        DAYS_DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%s) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%s) ) / 86400 ))

        # Check if the file is older than the retention period
            # Print the file ID if it's older than the retention period
            echo "$FILE_ID"

     # Code to identify and delete old backups from Google Drive based on RETENTION_WEEKS weeks.
    gdrive files list --parent $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID |  # List files in the specified Google Drive folder
    grep "weekly" |  # Filter lines containing the word 'weekly'
    awk '{print $1, $2}' |  # Extract file ID and filename
    while read -r FILE_ID FILE_NAME; do
        # Extract the date from the filename (assuming the date format is YYYYMMDD)
        FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $3}')

        # Convert the file date to a format that can be compared with the current date
        FILE_DATE_FORMATTED=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +"%Y%m%d")

        # Get the current date in the same format
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")

        # Calculate the difference in weeks
        WEEKS_DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%s) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%s) ) / 604800 ))  # 604800 seconds in a week

        # Check if the file is older than 4 weeks
            # Print the file ID if it's older than 4 weeks
            echo "$FILE_ID"

    # Code to identify and delete old backups from Google Drive based on RETENTION_MONTHS months.
    gdrive files list --parent $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID |  # List files in the specified Google Drive folder
    grep "monthly" |  # Filter lines containing the word 'docker-monthly'
    awk '{print $1, $2}' |  # Extract file ID and filename
    while read -r FILE_ID FILE_NAME; do
        # Extract the date from the filename (assuming the date format is YYYYMMDD)
        FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $3}')

        # Convert the file date to a format that can be compared with the current date
        FILE_DATE_FORMATTED=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +"%Y%m%d")

        # Get the current date in the same format
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")

        # Calculate the difference in months
        MONTHS_DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%Y) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%Y) ) * 12 + \
                              $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%m) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%m) ))

        # Check if the file is older than 4 months
            # Print the file ID if it's older than 4 months
            echo "$FILE_ID"

    # Delete old backups
        gdrive files delete "$FILE_ID" || { echo "Error: Could not delete old files from Google Drive."; exit 1; }

    echo "Rotating old backups completed"

# Parse command-line options
while getopts s:b:n:d:w:m:y:h option; do
    case "${option}" in
        s) SRC_DIR=${OPTARG} ;;
        b) BACKUP_DIR=${OPTARG} ;;
        n) PROJECT_NAME=${OPTARG} ;;
        h) show_help
           exit 0 ;;

# Check conditions for daily, weekly, and monthly backups and run the backup function accordingly
if [[ $BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY -gt 0 && ! -z "$BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY" && $BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY -ne 0 && $FN == daily ]]; then
    echo "Daily Backup Run"

if [[ $BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY -gt 0 && ! -z "$BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY" && $BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY -ne 0 && $FN == weekly ]]; then
    echo "Weekly Backup Run"

    echo "Monthly Backup Run"

Let's Understand the script

Here's a breakdown of the script's functionality:

Configuration Variables:

  • GITHUB_REPO: URL of the GitHub repository to clone.

  • BACKUP_DIR: Destination folder for local backups.

  • PROJECT_NAME: Name of the project which you want to save as filename.

  • GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID: Google Drive folder ID for storing backups.

    you can find it on url after creating a folder.

  • BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY, BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY, BACKUP_RETENTION_MONTHLY: Number of backups to retain for daily, weekly, and monthly backups.

  • CURL_REQUEST_URL: URL for cURL requests for notifications.

    To create go to

    You will get id and credentials.

    Copy your unique url and paste here.

  • DISABLE_CURL_REQUEST: Flag to disable cURL requests for testing.

    Date and Frequency Calculation:

    • Calculate the current day of the month (DAYMONTH) and day of the week (DAYWEEK).

        # Get the current day of the month and day of the week
        DAYMONTH=$(date +%d)
        DAYWEEK=$(date +%u)
    • Determine the backup frequency (FN) based on the current day (daily, weekly, or monthly).

        # Determine the backup frequency based on the current day
        if [[ $DAYMONTH -eq 1 ]]; then
            echo "Monthly task"
        elif [[ $DAYWEEK -eq 7 ]]; then
            echo "Weekly task"
        elif [[ $DAYWEEK -lt 7 ]]; then
            echo "Daily task"
        # Create a timestamp for the backup
        DATE=$FN-$(date +"%Y%m%d")
  • Help Function:

    • show_help: Displays help information about available options.

        # Function to display help text
        function show_help {
            echo "BackupRotation available options are"
            echo "-s Source directory to be backed up"
            echo "-b Destination folder for the backups"
            echo "-n Name of the project being backed up"
            echo "-d Number of Daily backups to keep, negative numbers will disable"
            echo "-w Number of Weekly backups to keep, negative numbers will disable"
            echo "-m Number of Monthly backups to keep, negative numbers will disable"
            echo "-h show this help text"

Command-Line Options Parsing:

    • Parses command-line options using getopts.

          # Parse command-line options
          while getopts s:b:n:d:w:m:y:h option; do
              case "${option}" in
                  s) GITHUB_REPO=${OPTARG} ;;
                  b) BACKUP_DIR=${OPTARG} ;;
                  n) PROJECT_NAME=${OPTARG} ;;
                  d) BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY=${OPTARG} ;;
                  w) BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY=${OPTARG} ;;
                  m) BACKUP_RETENTION_MONTHLY=${OPTARG} ;;
                  h) show_help
                     exit 0 ;;
      • Options include source github url (-s), backup directory (-b), project name (-n), daily retention (-d), weekly retention (-w), monthly retention (-m), and help (-h).

          ./ -n "Rabbitmq" -d 7 -w 4

Backup Trigger Conditions:

    • Checks conditions for daily, weekly, and monthly backups based on retention periods and the current backup frequency (FN). It does not take negative value and zero value.

      • Runs the backup function accordingly.

          # Check conditions for daily, weekly, and monthly backups and run the backup function accordingly
          if [[ $BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY -gt 0 && ! -z "$BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY" && $BACKUP_RETENTION_DAILY -ne 0 && $FN == daily ]]; then
              echo "Daily Backup Run"
          if [[ $BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY -gt 0 && ! -z "$BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY" && $BACKUP_RETENTION_WEEKLY -ne 0 && $FN == weekly ]]; then
              echo "Weekly Backup Run"
          if [[ $BACKUP_RETENTION_MONTHLY -gt 0 && ! -z "$BACKUP_RETENTION_MONTHLY" && $BACKUP_RETENTION_MONTHLY -ne 0 && $FN == monthly ]]; then
              echo "Monthly Backup Run"
  • Backup Function (backup):

      function backup {
      temp_folder=$(mktemp -d)
          git clone "$GITHUB_REPO" "$temp_folder" || { echo "Error: Could not clone GitHub repository."; exit 1; }
          # Create timestamped backup directory
          timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)  
          mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/$timestamp" || { echo "Error: Could not create backup directory."; exit 1; }
          # Create a zip archive of the cloned project
          zip -r "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" "$temp_folder" || { echo "Error: Could not create zip archive."; exit 1; }
          # Upload to Google Drive using gdrive
          gdrive files upload --recursive --parent "$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID" "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" || { echo "Error: Could not upload to Google Drive."; exit 1; }
          # Log success message
          echo "Backup successful: $timestamp" >> "$BACKUP_DIR/backup_log.txt"
          # Send cURL request on success
          if [ "$DISABLE_CURL_REQUEST" = false ]; then
              curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"project": "'"$PROJECT_NAME"'", "date": "'"$timestamp"'", "test": "BackupSuccessful"}' "$CURL_REQUEST_URL"
          # Clean up temporary folder
          rm -rf "$temp_folder"    
          # Rotate old backups
    • Clones the specified GitHub repository into a temporary folder.

      It Creates a temporary folder to clone the repository.

        temp_folder=$(mktemp -d)
            git clone "$GITHUB_REPO" "$temp_folder" || { echo "Error: Could not clone GitHub repository."; exit 1; }

      Here, I am running script on sunday , it will run the weekly backup, else on other days it will do daily backup.

    • Creates a timestamped backup directory within mentioned BACKUP_DIR.

        # Create timestamped backup directory
            timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)  
            mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR/$timestamp" || { echo "Error: Could not create backup directory."; exit 1; }
    • Creates a zip archive of the cloned project with name of Projectname-backup_method-date.

          # Create a zip archive of the cloned project
            zip -r "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" "$temp_folder" || { echo "Error: Could not create zip archive."; exit 1; }


    • Uploads the archive to Google Drive using gdrive.

    • It will recursively upload "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" in parent directory mention $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID.

          gdrive files upload --recursive --parent "$GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID" "$BACKUP_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME-$" || { echo "Error: Could not upload to Google Drive."; exit 1; }
    • Logs the success message on backup_log.txt file in Backup_dir.

    • Sends a cURL request on success (if enabled).

    • Cleans up temporary folders.

    • Calls the rotatebackup function.

Rotation Function (rotatebackup):

    • Deletes local backups older than the specified retention periods for daily, weekly, and monthly backups.

      • Identifies old backups on Google Drive based on retention periods and deletes them.
function rotatebackup {
    echo "Rotating old backups started.."
        # Delete backups older than RETENTION_DAYS days from local file system
    find "$BACKUP_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +"$((RETENTION_DAYS * 24 * 60 * 60))" -exec rm -r {} \;
    # Delete backups older than RETENTION_WEEKS weeks from local file system
    find "$BACKUP_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +"$((RETENTION_WEEKS * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60))" -exec rm -r {} \;
    # Delete backups older than RETENTION_MONTHS months from local file system
    find "$BACKUP_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +"$((RETENTION_MONTHS * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60))" -exec rm -r {} \;   
 # Code to identify and delete old backups from Google Drive based on RETENTION_DAYS days. 
    gdrive files list --parent $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID |  # List files in the specified Google Drive folder
    grep "daily" |  # Filter lines containing the word 'docker-daily'
    awk '{print $1, $2}' |  # Extract file ID and filename
    while read -r FILE_ID FILE_NAME; do
        # Extract the date from the filename (assuming the date format is YYYYMMDD)
        FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $3}')
        # Convert the file date to a format that can be compared with the current date
        FILE_DATE_FORMATTED=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +"%Y%m%d")
        # Get the current date in the same format
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")
        # Calculate the difference in days
        DAYS_DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%s) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%s) ) / 86400 ))
        # Check if the file is older than the retention period
            # Print the file ID if it's older than the retention period
            echo "$FILE_ID"
     # Code to identify and delete old backups from Google Drive based on RETENTION_WEEKS weeks.
    gdrive files list --parent $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID |  # List files in the specified Google Drive folder
    grep "weekly" |  # Filter lines containing the word 'weekly'
    awk '{print $1, $2}' |  # Extract file ID and filename
    while read -r FILE_ID FILE_NAME; do
        # Extract the date from the filename (assuming the date format is YYYYMMDD)
        FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $3}')
        # Convert the file date to a format that can be compared with the current date
        FILE_DATE_FORMATTED=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +"%Y%m%d")
        # Get the current date in the same format
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")
        # Calculate the difference in weeks
        WEEKS_DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%s) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%s) ) / 604800 ))  # 604800 seconds in a week
        # Check if the file is older than 4 weeks
            # Print the file ID if it's older than 4 weeks
            echo "$FILE_ID"
    # Code to identify and delete old backups from Google Drive based on RETENTION_MONTHS months.
    gdrive files list --parent $GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER_ID |  # List files in the specified Google Drive folder
    grep "monthly" |  # Filter lines containing the word 'docker-monthly'
    awk '{print $1, $2}' |  # Extract file ID and filename
    while read -r FILE_ID FILE_NAME; do
        # Extract the date from the filename (assuming the date format is YYYYMMDD)
        FILE_DATE=$(echo "$FILE_NAME" | awk -F'[-.]' '{print $3}')
        # Convert the file date to a format that can be compared with the current date
        FILE_DATE_FORMATTED=$(date -d "$FILE_DATE" +"%Y%m%d")
        # Get the current date in the same format
        CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%Y%m%d")
        # Calculate the difference in months
        MONTHS_DIFFERENCE=$(( ( $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%Y) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%Y) ) * 12 + \
                              $(date -d "$CURRENT_DATE" +%m) - $(date -d "$FILE_DATE_FORMATTED" +%m) ))
        # Check if the file is older than 4 months
            # Print the file ID if it's older than 4 months
            echo "$FILE_ID"
    # Delete old backups
        gdrive files delete "$FILE_ID" || { echo "Error: Could not delete old files from Google Drive."; exit 1; }
    echo "Rotating old backups completed"

Testing Backup and rotational Backup:

To Test We create 3 test folder namely: '' '' , ''

Now, Running the code With Retention daily backup =1 , Retention monthly backup=1, Retention weekly backup=1.

So, It will upload a '' to drive. And delete '' '' , '' as they are older then mention retention period.

Thanks For Reading.